My consulting focuses on the economics of information technology, industries related to information technology, and issues related to the economics of consumer behavior or product demand. The types of cases I have worked on in the past include:
- Patent Damages assessment in patent litigation for operating systems software, e-commerce systems, network hardware, microprocessors, memory devices, communications equipment, mobile devices and embedded systems.
- Consumer Damages from fraud, false advertising, data breach, privacy violations, or product misrepresentation in hardware, software, and online services as well as other consumer products outside the IT industry such as automobiles, trucks, all-terrain vehicles, pet food, appliances and beauty products. Many of these are consumer class actions.
- Antitrust Issues in software, digital platforms and consumer electronics.
- IT Industry Practices relating to enterprise software, security software, database software and media creation and development tools.
- IT Project Problems in a number of industries including data providers, grocery, travel, government services and customer support providers.
I currently serve as a Senior Advisor to Cornerstone Research.